Thursday, April 7, 2016

USGA Rule Changes - New for 2016

New Rule Changes for 2016

As some of you are aware, every four years the Rules of Golf Committees of the USGA and the R&A make revisions to the Rules of Golf.  In most cases, such changes will have an affect on the rules that govern play in our member leagues and events at The Hamlet.

It is important that all members have an understanding of the basic principles of the "Rules of Golf" and for this season, are also familiar with the new revisions or changes to those rules.  Below are some of the principal changes to the "Rules of Golf" for 2016.

Rule 3-3 - Doubt as to procedure
The rule has been amended to provide further guidance on the procedure for a competitor who is uncertain on how to proceed and decides to play two balls and how the committee should determine which ball is to count in such situations.

Rule 6-6d - Exception to rule for providing the wrong score on a hole
The new exception provides that a competitor is not disqualified for returning a score for any hole lower than actually taken when this is due to a failure to include one or more penalty strokes that, before returning his scorecard, the competitor did not know he had incurred.  Instead, the competitor incurs the penalty prescribed by the applicable rule and an additional penalty of two strokes for each hole at which the competitor has committed a breach of rule 6-6d.

Rule 14-1b - Anchoring the club
The new rule prohibits anchoring the club, either "directly" or by use of an "anchor point," during the making of a stroke. (Most commonly the focus in a putting stroke)

Rule 14-3 - Artificial devices; abnormal use of equipment (training devices)
The penalty for a player's first breach of rule 14-3 during a round has been modified from disqualification to loss of hole in match play or two strokes in stroke play with disqualification

Rule 18-2 - Ball at rest moved by player, partner, caddie or equipment
Rule 18-2b (Ball moving after address) has been withdrawn.  This means that when a ball moves after a player has addressed it, the application of a penalty under rule 18-2 will be based purely on whether the player caused the ball to move.

Scores made while playing alone are no longer eligible for posting
New for 2016, any round of golf that is played alone will no longer be allowed for the purpose of posting for your golf handicap.  Please review this new policy by clicking on the following link on the USGA website.

It is my recommendation that all members should have a copy of the "Rules of Golf" at hand in their golf bag if it is your intention to play in any of our organized leagues or tournaments.  I encourage everyone to learn more about these and other rules changes on the USGA website at the link listed below.  As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

See you at the club,

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